ASLEF members vote to accept pay offer

Last updated: Monday, 14 August 2023

ASLEF, the train drivers’ trade union, has today announced that its members have voted to accept the recent pay offer made by ScotRail.

The union had recommended that members accept the deal when it was put to a vote, with the referendum closing today, Monday, 14 August.

The deal means that drivers will see a five per cent basic pay rise for 2023/24, backdated to 1 April 2023, with a further one per cent increase from 1 October 2023. Earlier this summer, both the RMT and Unite unions – representing conductors, engineers, ticket examiners, station staff, and more – accepted the 2023/24 pay deal.

David Simpson, ScotRail Service Delivery Director, said:

"This is fantastic news for our staff and customers. Acceptance of the deal helps us to deliver more certainty on Scotland’s Railway for the weeks and months ahead, as we continue to encourage more passengers back to use the railway. The focus of everyone at ScotRail is on delivering a safe, reliable, and green service for our customers.

“We are grateful to our trade union colleagues for their constructive approach to negotiations, which has resulted in a well-deserved pay increase for our staff, while delivering value for the taxpayer in the challenging financial environment in which the railway operates.”

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