ScotRail confirms reintroduction of limited services at Ayr

Last updated: Thursday, 30 November 2023

ScotRail has confirmed that limited services from Ayr station will be reintroduced next week after the line was closed following the recent fire at the former Station Hotel.

From Monday, 4 December, ScotRail will operate a half hourly rail shuttle service between Ayr and Prestwick Town, to connect with existing services from there to Glasgow Central. The shuttle services will operate in and out of Platform 4 at Ayr station.

Services have been unable to use Ayr station since a devastating fire at the former Station Hotel building on 25 September. The safety exclusion zone around the former hotel building means that the train operator is still unable to operate a full service to and from the station.

ScotRail is advising customers to check their journey before they travel, and consult its social media channels for up to date information.

David Simpson, ScotRail Service Delivery Director, said:

"The devastating fire at the former station hotel has had a significant impact on ScotRail services in the south west of Scotland.

“Our immediate focus was on ensuring the safety of our passengers and putting in alternative travel and rail services as quickly as possible. 

“We know how much people rely on rail services, so we’re pleased that we’re now in a position to introduce a shuttle service between Ayr and Prestwick Town, which will connect with rail services to and from Glasgow Central.

"We are continuing to work with South Ayrshire Council, Network Rail, and other partners to restore services in full as soon as possible.”

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publishing. However, please note that circumstances, events, or details may change over time. We advise readers to verify any critical information independently, as ScotRail cannot guarantee the continued accuracy of the content beyond its initial publication date.