Advertise with us

Advertising with ScotRail is an opportunity to target 85.6m potential customers every year.

When you advertise in stations and on key routes you'll reach huge footfall numbers - everyone from daily business commuters and shoppers to tourists and students.

Station and on-train advertising

You can target geographic areas with your station advertising and choose prominent poster sites at the heart of your community. You can also take your message on-train across a number of our key routes to make sure your marketing message gets seen.

Our poster sites and on-train advertising get long viewing times so you can use this opportunity to really engage with people as they travel. Our poster sites are also flexible to suit your objectives and budget. Our small format is 4 Sheets, going to our large format 48 Sheets, as well as on-train passenger panels, bespoke floor graphics, banners and longer postings for increased impact.

To find out more about advertising opportunities contact:

0333 200 6000

Advertising in local stations

All enquiries for local station advertising posters are handled by UK Media Group Ltd .

Call Michael Yexley on 07740 611734, or email him at [email protected] .

Advertising at ticket gates

Every two weeks, over a million Scottish commuters pass through our ticket gates. To take advantage of this advertising opportunity and find out more contact:

0333 200 6000